Notices have been issued by Ms. Tara Penman (Property Manager) for 111 Lawton Blvd. to a number of tenants in the building requesting payment of past due rent. Tenants paid their rent on the first of the month and had their payments withdrawn from their accounts by the third and fourth day. Notices sent to these tenants where dated at various times during November the latest being dated on the eighteenth. Akelius Canada Ltd. needs to review their accounting practices as this has happened in other locations in previous years. A letter of apology should be issued to each tenant who received these notices in error. I would also recommend that each tenant demand the copies of these notices be removed from their files so as not to be used against them in future. If you do not demand this these notices will remain in your file indicating for future reference to new landlords and other institutions you were late and unreliable in paying your rent. The letter of apology should also mention Akelius Canada Ltd. has destroyed these notices.

December 2, 2015 updates from The City of Toronto Apartment Standards

Investigation Request  Nov 30, 2015  Rescheduled  15 258770 NOI 00 IR

Violation - Investigation Requests  
Nov 9, 2015  Order Issued
 15 251030 PRS 00 IV

Investigation Request  
Aug 17, 2015    Closed    15 207692 PRS 00 IR

Laundry Room
 The supplied piece(s) of equipment and/or appliance(s) in or on the property is not constructed, installed  and/or maintained so that it will function safely and effectively. Namely; 4 dryers not in working order

Glossary of Terms for deficiency status
'Open' status represents deficiencies that remain outstanding.
'Closed' status represents deficiencies that have been rectified.
Closed by PS Committee
'Closed by PS Committee' status represents deficiencies that have been rescinded by Property Standards Appeal Committee.
Closed by SCJ Appeal
'Closed by SCJ Appeal' status represents deficiencies that have been rescinded by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Substantially Complete
'Substantially Complete' status represents deficiencies that are no longer outstanding as assessed by the Officer.

November 30, 2015 Akelius Canada still has not taken any action to have these units repaired and put in running order for the tenants. 

Taken from the Akelius website on why you should live in one of their buildings.

Akelius is dedicated to providing better living in most desirable neighbourhoods. New and reimagined design elements assure warm and welcoming spaces, maintained to the highest standard.


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